Listen to English by TV and Radio
Listen to television or radio news in English on your computer. From this page you can get instant access to English language TV and radio news programmes wherever you are in the world, without a TV or radio. Perfect for listening practice.
Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera English
Al Jareera presents news and current affairs from a Middle East perspective with videos and podcasts. Not all of their content is free.
BBC World Service
The BBC (British Broadcastic Corporation) presents free news and current affairs programmes with a mainly British English accent and Western bias.
Russia Today
Russia Today
Russia Today presents free news events and interviews from a mainly Russian viewpoint. Generally speaking excellent and clearly-spoken English.
VOA Special English
VOA (Voice of America) offers free news coverage spoken in simple American English with a core vocabulary of 1500 words and an American bias.
VOA Special English.
reference :
One aspect of American and British English pronunciation differences is differences in accent. The General American (GAm) and the Southern B...
Word classes and phrase classes Seven major word classes are described here. These are: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjun...
Systemic organization of language. 1. Subject of theoretical grammar. Grammar may be practical and theoretical. The aim of practical gram...
What Is a Preposition, Anyway? Everything You Ever Wanted to Know What is a preposition? Sometimes it helps to start with examples and p...
Noun phrases Noun phrases are phrases that function grammatically as nouns within sentences. In addition, nouns serve as "heads,...
This is a list of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom. * Words with specific American meanings that have different meanin...
Still Loving You lyrics Songwriters: Schenker, R; Meine, K; Time, it needs time to win back your love again I will be there, I will be ...
Every single word can be categorized into one of eight word groups, or parts of speech . All eight are listed below, along with a very s...
Michael Heart – We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza) A blinding flash of white light Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight People running ...
What Is a Noun? Everything You Wanted to Know What is a noun? Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas . Look around you. Everyth...